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February 22, 2016



We’re posting this about a month late, but in our “off season” things have been rather busy! While we may not be shooting weddings or engagements, the rest of what’s involved in running a business takes over during these few months. Time has escaped us! But we’re happy to report that we’ve been making major progress, getting halfway through our off season to do list!

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Anyway, while we have a moment to spare, we wanted to share a few new photos of our sweet Chubby Cheeks! He’s a a ONE year old now! He seems to have grown into a real boy overnight. He loves airplanes and can spot them in the sky from his car seat. If he hears the roar of a distant plane overhead, he runs to the window to try and spot it. Much of what he enjoys playing with comes from his big brother’s influence, and so we play with Star Wars toys and he sings “bummmm bummmm, bum bum bum bum” to the tune of the Star Wars theme. He does a great Darth Vader impersonation as well! He’s a sweet, lovey baby who gives kisses and snuggles freely. His favorite musician/singer is Bob Marley, and he will ask for his greatest hits record to be played by name. “Bob, bob, bob” as he toddles over to the record player melts our hearts! He can’t get enough of that music, and he bounces and sways to each and every song.

We can barely believe that just a year ago we welcomed him into this world. How quickly time moves, but how fun it is to watch him grow.

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