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March 24, 2014

Monday Minutes :: March 24, 2014


Good Monday morning! This is the first Monday Minutes of Spring 2014 and it’s a great way to bring in the new season. It was a fun and surprising weekend  😉 We shot a beautiful wedding in the rolling hill of Bluemont on Friday, went to an awesome party Saturday night, and relaxed with family on Sunday before doing a little reading and spring decorating.

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On Friday we headed out to Bluemont, VA for Jessica and Scott’s gorgeous wedding. We’re suckers for old barns and this venue did not disappoint! Along the way in our rental car we did spend a good 10 minutes trying to find the clock. Turns out… Chrysler likes to kick it old school. No digital clocks allowed, just really hard to read ACTUAL clocks. Very convenient for trying to see the time while driving. Jess and Scott had a picture perfect wedding day, and they celebrated with a loving family and lots of dancing with friends. One of our favorites from their day is all we’ll share for now, but come back later in the week when we have more!


Then… Saturday threw a curve ball. A massive plan kept Maggie unaware of a 30th surprise birthday party that was being organized for her. Betty did everything, and was the mastermind behind the whole thing. Needless to say, walking into a room of 90 of your best friends and dear family members was a jaw dropper for Maggie. We’ll have a lot more to show you from the party later on this week as well. So come back and check it all out!

mag 30 birthday party-2


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