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Every year we struggle with the decision to put 3 big X’s on our calendar in a row. Turning down weddings and saying “no” isn’t something we love to do. However, when we hit the halfway point of our season, and those vacation days are within sight, we remember why it’s a good idea to […]

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It’s time again for us to sit back and dream a little bit, about warm summer nights, crab feasts, sandy toes and the sound of the ocean. As wedding photographers, we get so busy in the summer months. It’s difficult to do sometimes, but we must remind ourselves to take a step back in the […]

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  When we had first started out, and we were all set up at our very first bridal show, a couple approached our booth and flipped through our sample albums. We were excited. Politely, but in a very matter of fact tone, the Bride to be asked us “How many weddings have you done?” Our […]

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