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June 11, 2015

Real Moments Movement


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Earlier this Spring, we were approached by our friends at United With Love, our favorite DC wedding blog. The editors were doing something new and wanted a few of our photos to share. They wanted to start a movement that brought some of the focus back to the heart and soul of a wedding day. They wanted to spend a little time focusing on more than the perfect shade of peach, pin tuck linens, or trendy favors. They wanted to focus on the real moments of a wedding day. The actual, living and breathing memories that happen right in front of you. As photographers, we loved this. It’s about time we give ourselves a break from the obsessive focus on details of a wedding day. Now don’t get us wrong, we love all there is to love about planning weddings. Everything right down to the prettiest curly calligraphy is something we can appreciate, but every once in a while it’s nice to remember what’s real. What’s true. What matters. The people. The laugher. The love. The joy. Those things, those moments are what we long to photograph. What made us fall in love with photography.

So, we’re piggy backing off of this “moments over details” movement created by United With Love, and adding it to our Instagram line up! For the next few months, and possibly the rest of this season, we’ll be posting photos of real moments from the wedding archives to our Instagram feed. It should be fun! So make sure to join us tomorrow for our first #momentsoverdetails post on Instagram. If you don’t already follow us, make sure to do so! Find us there, we’re @birdsofafeatherphotos

And if you’ve got a favorite “real moment” photograph from your own wedding day, go ahead and Instagram it as well! Use the hashtags #momentsoverdetails and #realmoments and we’ll look forward to seeing them!

Until tomorrow… have a great day!



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