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September 19, 2014

2016 Calendar Open :: Now booking dates!


2016 open

Good morning and Happy Friday! Yesterday we had a business meeting to prepare for the weeks to come. We’re getting into that part of the year when bridal shows become a regular event, and we needed to get ready for them! We’re kicking off bridal show season next weekend at the Washington Wedding Experience at the Patriot Center in VA. We’ll be there from 11 to 5 and we can’t wait to meet all of the new couples who we hope will come into our lives!

In doing our preparation, we realized we have very little remaining 2015 dates open. We also realized how many 2016 inquiries we have on hold, waiting for our 2016 calendar to open. So in light of next weekend’s bridal show… we decided it was time to open the 2016 calendar! We’re so excited to announce our 2016 wedding calendar is officially open for booking! 

In November, our price guide will have some changes made to it. So between now and November 1, all of our readers and the new couples we meet at the bridal show will have the opportunity to book their 2015 or 2016 wedding date with our current pricing! Make sure to reach out to us right away, we have just 5 dates left in 2015 and the rates for 2016 will change soon!

Have a great weekend everyone! We’ll see you back here Monday with a look back at how our weekend went 🙂

2016 open-2

No meeting at the Birds studio is complete without a Diet Coke and Starbucks 😉



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