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July 15, 2013

Happy Anniversary :: 35 Years


Hi everyone! It’s Maggie, and today I am taking over the blog myself to say thank you. I’m saying thank you to my parents. My amazing, loving, perfect parents who 35 years ago today said their vows. In a world where sometimes the true meaning of a wedding day is lost in layers of tulle, it’s a wonderful feeling to see my parents still married, still laughing, still working towards the life they started 35 years ago. So thank you Mom and Dad, for always fighting for your marriage, for being the best parents two children could have ever asked for, and for now being our best friends. John and I both are so happy to celebrate your 35th anniversary! Love you both beyond words!

(And don’t think I’m not going to force you both to let me take some REAL photos of you together!)


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