Here you'll find all of our latest work! Full wedding features, favorites from engagement sessions, and samples of portrait sessions we photograph throughout the year. This is also a place where we share insight, tips & tricks into wedding planning for couples everywhere! Dig in and get to know us!
Sweet Cheeks had his first ever field trip last week, and it was just as fun for his mama and LuLu as it was for him… maybe even more 😉 This is the same trip we took together when Maggie was 3. Betty went on this field trip with Maggie, with John, and now as LuLu […]
This is a totally personal, 100% bragging post 🙂 Some of you may know John and Mandy from our occasional posts here on the blog that include them. John is Betty’s son, and Maggie’s baby brother. Mandy is his amazing girlfriend… or shall we say Fiancé! Over the weekend, on our way home from a […]
Welcome to October! It’s our first Monday Minutes of the month and we are preparing for a crazy series of weeks ahead. Spring weddings are always going to be popular, causing that season to be a packed one for most wedding photographers. But what most people don’t realize is how much busier the Fall season […]