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  With the official first day of summer behind us, we’re realizing how quickly the hot days are passing us by. This time of year is so fleeting, but oh so glorious. Watching Chubby Cheeks grow all too quickly isn’t helping either. Our awareness of how fast time goes by is heightened these days. Of course, […]

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5 years 1,826 days a few dozen kickball games even more flip cup games 4 cats one heck of a wedding 3 apartments 1 house 5 cars countless car rides a few plane rides 6 new jobs a handful of vacations 7 Christmas trees a thousand laughs more than a few tears 2 of the […]

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“Quality over quantity” is becoming the mantra for life with two babies in the middle of a wedding season that requires more hours of work than we like to admit. For example, when Sweet Cheeks was an infant, Maggie took one photo of him every. single. day. Yes, you read that right. She would prop […]

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