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A little less than a year ago, we were driving home from a wedding, pretty late at night. Betty’s cell phone rang. It was John. He had some news, and wanted to ask us what we were up to “this time next year”? Instantly we knew… he had popped the question and Mandy had said […]

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If Halloween isn’t your favorite, and you’re just ready to put up your Christmas tree, feel free to skip right over this post 😉 Halloween in our family is a big deal. We love it, we look forward to it, we start to plan costumes in the Summer, we believe in hand made costumes, and […]

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Maggie loves Halloween. Betty loves candy corn. Around here, Halloween is more than just a day to eat candy and put on a last minute costume. No, no. We take Halloween seriously. Hand made costumes from scratch all within a theme, pumpkins galore (10 carved this year!) and big plans for the whole day. It’s […]

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