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January 17, 2014

13 most memorable images of 2013


Reflective posts are always a favorite for us. Looking back at what we’ve done in the previous year helps lunge us forward, giving us momentum to continue on and do better. Always doing better… never settling for acceptable. We’ve done a few look back posts for 2013, remembering some favorite engagement and wedding photos from the year. As we look ahead to 2014 we took some advice from a fellow photographer and created a folder on our desktop of our most memorable photos from the year. We examined hundreds of photos, painstakingly evaluating their “correctness”. Which were the very best? The tip top best photos we’ve ever taken? It was tough, and it wasn’t all that fun. So we started over, and instead of searching for the  technically “best” images of the year, we searched for the “most memorable” images of the year. These are more than photos, they’re real moments. Moments we were able to put into a photo, and keep. Yes, we considered the technical aspects of what makes an image a “good” image when choosing these top 13. But perfection in composition was not the only deciding factor. A perfect shot may not be of the most memorable moment, so we looked for both elements and came to this list.

The reason we made this list? We wanted to look inward for inspiration as we move into 2014. We wanted to find the qualities of our own work that we most appreciate, harness those qualities and push them farther. Saying to ourselves “Yes! This is the type of photo we want to take every day!” and have it be one of our own, not a photo from another photographer’s portfolio.

Narrowing down to just 13 was HARD! In fact we’re cheating with 13 images… our instructions were to choose the top ten. We couldn’t go that low, and added 3 more  😉  We shot almost 30 weddings this year, so that meant we couldn’t choose an image from each and every wedding we did. That doesn’t mean we don’t love and appreciate each couple who allowed us to document their wedding day, and it doesn’t mean we shot one wedding better than another wedding. It just means that by chance, these 13 images came from this handful of wedding days. The images are more than pretty pictures, it’s the stories behind them that will make them memorable. Here they are…


This is the one. The shot we wait for, and the moment that happens at 90% of the weddings we document. A crowded dance floor, guests enjoying themselves, and a couple who suddenly realizes they’re married. For us the room gets quite when we see this image as it’s about to happen, and we know exactly what they’re feeling.

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When given the opportunity to photograph an outdoor ceremony, especially one that had a long walking distance between where the bridal party was held and where the ceremony took place, we’re able to get images like this that are not typical. When setting up this shot, the intention was not to photograph the bridal party walking out of the barn. All we were trying to photograph was the bright orange tree against the barn. When the bridal party made their move and began walking in a line, we kept shooting and loved the result.

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Bridal portraits are incredibly important. We want our Brides to look at photos of themselves on their wedding day and feel beautiful… really, really gorgeous. We like to clear the room during bridal portraits, to give some quite time for our Brides to mentally do whatever it is they need to do before walking down the aisle. Sometimes it’s the only quite time they get the entire day to soak it all in or to look in a mirror and see a Bride. This was one of our favorite bridal portraits of the year.

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Anytime of the year, we’ll ask our couples to try to sneak in a sunset portrait or two. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall the sunset light is always gorgeous. Our goal is to add dimension to the final collection of wedding images, especially within the couple’s portraits, giving a very different look to the photos taken earlier in the day. Using the sunlight to our advantage and playing with it’s capabilities is something we look forward to. Allowing the sun to glow behind our couples can create an ethereal look to the photos, as if they are still shots out of a dream scene. This one was just lovely…

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Candid reception images was the HARDEST category to choose from. If we’re being honest, we could have chosen 50 memorable images from receptions alone! By the time the real dancing starts, couples are done. They’re officially done with wedding plans, nervous energy, anticipation, butterflies and formal photos. When the party starts we get to do what we’ve always loved the most, and that is to simply stand back and document what’s going on around us. This cake smash shot is one of our favorites. This couple took the classic cake cutting image to a whole new level. In the years to come we hope they remain this playful.

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This job provides us with so many opportunities. One of the most rewarding opportunities this year was the honor of documenting our first Indian wedding. Experiencing the love and joy of this ceremony was incredible. The expression on this Bride’s face pulls on our heart strings every time we see it. The light in her eyes makes us happy just looking at it.

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We’re big cry babies. We cry all the time, mostly when we’re happy. This Father of the Bride knows what we’re talking about. There are 10 images that come before this one. The images where he’s looking on at his daughter with wide eyes, the one where they embrace, the one where he asks her to turn around… but this one came last and is proof that we must always be ready to shoot. When the attention in the room went somewhere else, this Father of the Bride let go. It is an image we are most proud of.

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Details! We love detail images! They may be heavily staged but they add to the story. They bring color and life to the story. When looking through all of the detail shots we’ve taken in 2013 we were drawn to this one because it wasn’t staged. As this group of Bridesmaids made final touchups to the Bride, we knelt down and snapped this image. Why do we love it? Well the colors are vibrant but feminine at the same time, the light is divine, and the lace on that dress is beautiful. But what we love most is how the pink bridesmaids skirts naturally frame the bridal skirt. This could be anyone, any group of friends and sisters. And we love that.

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The ceremony… the real reason for a wedding day. The most sacred portion of the day and usually the biggest challenge for us while shooting. Working around restrictions of a church (sometimes brutal), making sure we get the shots we want but staying out of sight as much as possible… all things that come into play while orchestrating the perfect image. This moment during a ceremony in Kansas City was so touching, we made sure to move in just a bit more than usual to document this prayer between the almost married couple. This one is a favorite for sure.

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The first dance will never get old for us. Look closely and you’ll realize how very different each first dance can be. Look at the way he holds her hand… how do they clasp their fingers? Does she lean in? Do they lip synch the lyrics together? Do they twirl? Do they both have nothing but left feet? These first dances are always different, and always perfect. This image was a favorite from 2013.

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Even during formal portraits with the couple, when they are very camera aware… unscripted moments like this take place. We’re just happy that we can catch them. This portrait was not planned but it’s one of our all time favorites. When couples are comfortable with us, see us as friends, they are more comfortable in front of our cameras. Grooms who go in for a kiss like this make our job so fun!

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The kiss! Oh… that first kiss. Sometimes we get a peck, but sometimes we get this… do we need to say more? (Also… high five to Ashley and Brad for their perfectly timed sunset ceremony!)

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The classic portrait. One of the more thought out, meticulous photos we take on a wedding day. The full length of the Bride’s dress and veil must be in the frame, the background must be impeccable, the light has to be perfect, and they need to NOT look as if they’re having their photo taken 😉 Easy right?! Well… this one was. His hand on the back of her arm, her left hand gently pulling up the hem of her dress, the reflection on the water, and the magnetic quality between them made our jobs too easy.

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ok ok… here’s 14 😉

A freezing November afternoon and a couple who never felt cold makes this random shot one we can’t forget. Cold doesn’t exist for these two. Only warm happy adventurous glowing love.

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