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July 24, 2013

Vintage finds and mystery shopping


Last weekend we met with several new 2014 couples, shot a beautiful couple’s engagement session, designed 6 new sample albums, and drank a lot of coffee. We also snuck in some time to relax, and did a little antique shopping. The Vintage Source is an amazing little barn in Southern Maryland which sells vintage and repurposed furniture and home decor. They are only open once a month, so we were excited our free time happened to fall on the Saturday they were open. Plus… this was their big Flea Market weekend! Which meant there were 3 times as many antique vendors as normal. Woo Hoo!

Our trip to the market was more than just window shopping fun… we had some very specific mystery shopping to do! No, we can’t reveal just what we were shopping for now, but soon enough we’ll have some BIG news to share! There were so many beautiful pieces of furniture we had our eye on, but we fell particularly in love with a pair of old desk chairs which very quickly made their way into the back of Betty’s car. There are some big plans for those chairs! Check back this Friday when we’ll let the secret out and share with you our exciting news. Until then, check out some photos we took of our mystery shopping day at the Vintage Source and other antique stores.



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