It’s nothing really. Just a small glass bottle with a pretty shape and an ounce or two of liquid inside. The perfume bottle; nothing of incredible importance on a wedding day, but an item that we feel is important to photograph… and one that’s even more important for a Bride to have.
When we walk into our grandmother’s house it instantly hits us. The air in her little white house retains a hint of her perfume and we know we’re home. This sense of smell can comfort us, take us back to moments in our lives that we want to go back to, moments we cherish. Just breathing it in instantly takes us to those places, and this sensation is one we too often take for granted. How lucky we are that our grandmother had a favorite perfume, one she wore every day. Without it, we wouldn’t have such a constant reminder of her.
Your wedding day is the start of your story. God willing, after your big day, you and your partner will continue on to build the life you dream of, and one day your children’s children will flip through the pages of your wedding album. While they’re doing so, in a small corner on one of the album’s pages will be a photo of the perfume you wore on your wedding day, and your grand daughter will run her fingers across it. She’ll run back to your bedroom and notice a similar bottle sitting on your night stand. She’ll pick it up, twirl it in her fingers, think about putting some on herself, but instead she’ll come find you, give you a hug, and linger a bit to take in that scent. The one you wore so many years ago, and the one she’ll remember you by.
Our little story is romanticized and some would say dramatic… silly even. Probably so. But isn’t it lovely? Isn’t it worth going out and buying a little bottle of expensive perfume? We think so. Go find your favorite fragrance in a little glass bottle, make it a pretty one, and dab some on before you walk down the aisle. Keep that bottle safe, wear it every year on your anniversary, and make a silly little memory within your love story. Why not?
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