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November 23, 2015

Monday Minutes :: November 23, 2015

Monday Minutes

Wow you guys. It’s almost Thanksgiving! What?! This weekend flew by, probably because we spent a lot of time on the road. Before we get at this Monday morning’s to do list, here’s a recap of our weekend…

Friday we had the absolute privilege of meeting with our all time favorite, most inspiring, dream to be like them one day, photographers. We drove down to Portsmouth, VA Friday morning to spend an afternoon with Justin and Mary Marantz, where they gave our business the once over, gave advice and offered suggestions on how to get to where we want to be. If you don’t know, they are a husband and wife team of wedding photographers, and industry leaders. We’ll talk more about our time spent with these two later in the week, but for now let us just say it was a wonderful experience. We’re grateful to have Justin and Mary push us in the direction we’ve always wanted to go, and bring us back to where we’ve always known we belong. Sometimes the last baby step before a big jump is hearing from your idols that you’re ready.

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After driving back to DC late Friday night we were a little sleepy but looking forward to a fun afternoon with these two. On Saturday we strolled through the parts of Alexandria that mean the most to Alex and Nick. The place where they met, the spot where he proposed, and a park where they take walks on their lunch breaks, all became backdrops for their engagement photos. It was a great time! More from their session soon!


Sunday was cold ya’ll. Winter is a’coming so get out your mittens and hats! After heading back into Old Town on Sunday and realizing we were under dressed, we stepped into a store along King Street, picked up some gloves and got to work with Christina and Caleb on their engagement session. The cobblestone streets and narrow alleys of Old Town will never get old. These two are getting married so soon! We are excited for their big day! More from their session later this week.



Have an awesome Monday, and if you’re like us you could use a reminder to do your Thanksgiving shopping 😉 See you tomorrow!



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