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November 20, 2014

Tips and Tricks :: Your Dress Will Get Dirty

Tips and Tricks

We know… it’s a scary thought. And we know we sound a little harsh when we just come out and say it so matter of fact. But it’s true. Your dress WILL get dirty. And here’s the thing… a dirty wedding dress is the sign of an amazing wedding day. Don’t spend too much time worrying about keeping your dress pristine, we’ve never seen it work. Take good care of your dress, hold your hem as you walk, try not to let your Father in law put a muddy foot print on your satin train, walk around puddles of water, and be smart, but don’t go crazy. Don’t spend your day frantically worried about a little dust or dirt. It’s going to happen, and that’s just fine. No one will notice. We promise the only one who will pay any attention to the rim of dirt along the hem of your dress is you. So let yourself enjoy the day!

dirty dress

We take good care of your dress, we photograph it in all it’s glory before you even put it on, and our assistant is one heck of a “fluffer” to get the dress just perfect while you pose with your Groom. So again we say, find the balance between rolling in the mud and panicking over a little dirt. From a personal stand point, we hope you’ll be able to let go of the little things and just enjoy your wedding day. From a photography point of view, we hope you’ll be willing to walk out onto the moss covered pier, stand in a corn field, or cross a dirt road to get to a bed of flowers for the best backdrop possible.

Plus, by the end of the night you really won’t care AT ALL what your dress looks like  😉  Usually the bustle has snapped, the lace has torn, or the dress has come off all together for a more dance friendly pair of shorts and t shirt. To that we say “rock on ladies… rock on”.

Airlie Center Wedding-151




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