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December 2, 2015

Southern Maryland Wedding Photography :: Brittany and Ben


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No matter what sort of weather they had on their wedding day, Brittany and Ben would have been as joyful as they’ve ever been, but it did help to get a 70 degree day in late November. What a day! The weather was almost magical, as if the universe was giving a gift of warm weather to this sweet couple. As photographers we were in heaven not only because the Bride was a classic beauty, the Groom was polished and handsome, and they were both so willing to create photos with us… but because Brittany and Ben have become like family to us. When the girls were younger, Maggie was Brittany’s dance teacher for a short while (5 years made a bigger difference back then), and Ben is great friends with a mutual family friend of ours that go back almost 30 years. Watching these two on their wedding day, getting to be a part of the behind the scenes moments, laughing and spending time with their families, and getting to dance at the reception all made this a wedding we’ll hold dear to our hearts for years to come. Take a look…

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Brittany and Ben… photographing your wedding, and all the privileges that came along with the task, was nothing short of an honor. We were so lucky not only to watch this day unfold as photographers, but to look at you both as friends. Here’s to a long life full of love, joy, dancing, and being on time 😉 Love you both! xoxo M&B







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