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November 26, 2014

What we’re thankful for


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! It’s one of our most favorite holidays of the year. A time where we get to be together, cook, bake, enjoy yummy food, laugh, relax, and just live in these moments. It’s hard not to get too wrapped up, especially now that Christmas creeps in before Thanksgiving even arrives, but we try very hard to just enjoy this time without the pressure of gifts and over the top expectations. We want to be fully aware of how blessed we are this Thanksgiving, and make sure to look around the room realizing that so much of what we’ve asked for has been given to us… plus so much more. We hope you’ll all do the same.

Not only in our personal lives have we been blessed, but in our professional lives as well. The couples we’ve worked with this year have far exceeded the loving, generous, kind spirits we look for in the couples we work with. To say we’ve been blessed by the couples who have come into our lives is an understatement. We can’t tell you how grateful we are for all of you. Please know that we’re including all of you in our thanks.

greenwell state park engagement_0780

Because we like lists  😉  We decided to make a list of some of the things we’re grateful for. Here’s what we could come up with for this post, but we’re sure we’re leaving so many things out…

– Our family, our amazing, funny, loving, giving, kind, close family

– The answered prayers of safety, health, and happiness for our family

– Sweet Cheeks and all the goodness he brings to our hearts

– The growing baby inside Maggie’s belly, his continued health and an easy pregnancy so far

– The luxuries in life we take for granted; comfortable homes, working cars, clean water, available food, violence free neighborhoods, and a country that provides us with freedom

– Our friends, and the joy they bring to our lives

– Getting to work together, as a Mother and a Daughter

– A thriving business that allows us to do what we love, thanks only to the couples who bring us into their lives (without you we’d have nothing)

– Getting through this year without illness or injury, having the ability to give 100% at each an every wedding (even through a pregnancy)

– The memories made during our annual family beach trip, this was a year to remember

– Our studio, and the ability to have a place to work and meet with couples

– The new friendships and connections we’ve made in the wedding world

– Diet Coke and Starbucks 😉

– The help and support we’ve received from our husbands, who have to run our homes so many weekends of the year

– Only 1 rainy wedding day all year long! Amazing!

– Our interns who made this year so much better, we have been spoiled by you!



There are so many smaller, less significant things we’re thankful for like Panera lunch dates, comfortable shoes on wedding days, family dinner nights and free Sundays during busy season… but if we listed everything we could think of you’d get bored  😉


So tomorrow, we’ll be saying a lot of extra “thank you’s” and we hope you’ll do the same. We’ll be back on Friday with another engagement session to share with you, but tomorrow the blog will be quiet, and we’ll be covered in pumpkin and flour, laughing with the family as we stuff ourselves. Enjoy the day!





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