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November 21, 2014

Shop Small La Plata


Saturday, November 29th is “Small Business Saturday“. A day we’re encouraged to “shop small” by supporting local, small businesses. After the mega stores finish with their blow out, Black Friday deals (which are actually ON Thanksgiving now) the hope is the crowds will remember to get out on Saturday to support their home town. Shopping locally supports your small business neighbors, keeping the economic growth right in your own back yard, serving the community and ourselves better in the end.



As small business owners we’ve never understood the need for local support more, which is why we wanted to make sure we spread the word about Shop La Plata! We just love our home town, and we are so thrilled to be a part of this community not only as residents but as small business owners in the town. On Saturday November 29th, the Birds of a Feather studio on Charles Street in downtown La Plata will be closed. That’s because we’ll be out doing our holiday shopping locally! While we are a local small business, we don’t sell or provide a service that really fits into this Shop Small weekend. So that means we get to participate as the supporters!

Next weekend we fully intend on spending the entire Thanksgiving day at home with our families, NOT shopping at the mall at 6pm for some silly door busters. Friday we will be sleeping in, unpacking our Christmas decorations, and maybe check out the big stores for fun. On Small Business Saturday, we imagine our day will go like this…

-Stop for coffee at the local bakery, of course indulging in some fresh, in house baked pastries where we’ll also put in our Christmas orders for cakes and pies

-Head down the street to our own building to our friends at Centerpiece Boutique, finding gifts for most of the ladies on our shopping list (and yes even ourselves)

-Cross Charles street to the music store to check out gifts/lessons for some men in our lives (Sweet Cheeks included! The boy loves to rock!)

-Make our way to The Loft Salon for a pre-holiday season refresh to our hair (the dead ends have to go!)

-Visit our dear friends at Material Girls, and pick up some supplies for a new baby blanket to make for little baby

-Then head to Casey Jones with the family for some delicious food!




So remember to shop small on Saturday November 29th, and make sure to wave to us as you’re walking around La Plata!



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