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January 20, 2014

Monday Minutes :: January 20th, 2014

Behind the scenes

Good morning! It’s Monday and so it’s time for an update in our Monday Minutes series to get you caught up with what we did over the weekend. It was another busy one but we had a blast!

– Saturday morning we started off the weekend by picking up a huge panel van for transporting our bridal show display. It was BIG and at first we were a little worried about HOW we were going to drive this thing. Don’t you need a different kind of license to drive trucks this big?! But it all worked out and we didn’t run anyone off the road 😉

– The rest of the morning and afternoon were filled with back to back consultations at the studio. We love days in our studio, they make us realize how incredibly lucky we are to have a place we can call our own. Now we just couldn’t imagine spending 6 hours in a Starbucks on a Saturday 😉 After meeting with some awesome couples and a few really sweet Moms too, we had welcomed 4 new couples into our 2014/2015 wedding seasons. We hit the jackpot with how wonderful these couples are, and can’t wait to get started on their engagement sessions!

– After our consultations were finished, we had just enough time to pack up our gear, stop for Roy Rogers (mmmmm) and head down to Chapman’s Landing in time for our engagement session with Jessica and Raymond. These two rocked it out, and we can’t wait to share the rest of their photos later this week. Here’s one of our favorites from their session…

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– After the sun went down it was time to load the gigantic van with our display items. Maybe we’re getting better at it, but this time it didn’t seem to take as long. So we headed home to rest up for Sunday’s early wake up call.


– Sunday we were up by 5am (gahhhh) and on the road by 6. We had an easy drive to the Patriot Center and turned out to be one of the first vendors in the loading docks. They were kind enough to let us start moving our items in right away, and we were set up in no time! We had over an hour to kill while we waited for the doors to open, so we “snacked” on a half dozen chocolate donuts and coffee. Finally the doors were open and the day began. We spent the day hanging out with some amazing vendors, chatting with Brides and Grooms to be, and eating a lot of cake samples. The booth across from us was a stellar catering company and their cakes were too pretty to eat… but we did.

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– After a long day but a great day, we packed up and headed home. In the dark we unloaded the van and dragged ourselves to Maggie’s house to hang out as a family. By 7pm we both realized the only thing we had eaten this weekend was Roy Rogers, coffee, donuts and cake samples… we called in an order to our favorite Chinese restaurant. Haha! It was such a healthy weekend.


Now we’re doing a little catching up in the email department, getting new contracts out, scheduling engagement sessions and doing a little blogging for the week. We’ll be drinking green smoothies to get back on track after a terrible food weekend and we plan on keeping our feet in slippers most of the day. We hope you all had a great weekend, and we’ll have more for you on the blog this week!



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