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January 16, 2014

Our 2014 Winter Bridal Show Lineup


As you can hopefully tell by now, we’re in our “off season” for shooting, but by no means are we “off”. It’s bridal show season! (Not to mention tax season… bleh). We’re in full bridal show mode and with the biggest show of the year under our belt, we’re getting ready for the rest of the shows we’ll be doing this winter. While the mega shows are fun and exciting, we really enjoy the smaller more inviting shows as well. With the more low key gatherings, we’re able to have longer conversations with interested couples and we find ourselves building connections right away. No matter the size of the bridal show, we always love the opportunity to hopefully help any couple who steps into our booth  🙂

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So take a look at where we’ll be this winter and mark your calendars! We’ll be doing a couple more shows in the Spring, and we’ll announce those as soon as we have more information to share.


January Shows –

January 19th – The Washington Wedding Experience at the Patriot Center 11 to 5

January 26th – La Plata Holiday Inn Express Charity Bridal Show 12 to 3:30


February Shows –

February 22nd – The first ever The Mix Event at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore 7 to 10pm (this show is going to knock your socks off)

February 23rd – Hearts and History Bridal Show at Historic St. Mary’s City 1 to 4pm


We look forward to meeting and connecting with 2015 couples at these wedding planning events. We can’t wait!






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