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December 16, 2013

1,000 words… or likes


If a picture is worth a thousand words, then what are 1,000 Facebook “likes” worth? We’re not sure, but we’re thankful to have them!

The importance of a high number of Facebook “likes” has never weighed too heavily on us. 20, 200, 2,000… the number of folks who like our Facebook page is such an arbitrary number. Frankly, our view on this liking system has been “eh… we don’t care that much how many likes we have, as long as our couples are happy we’re happy”. Of course, it’s always nice to know word of mouth is spreading and the community is starting to know who we are. So when we reached 1,000 likes to our Facebook page this weekend, we got a little excited. It actually surprised us how satisfying it was to see that nice round 1,000 number pop up. What’s even more satisfying for us is who those people are. They are real people, who (most likely) actually LIKE our work. Reaching this number was a slow, natural process. We didn’t have a lot of huge contests, or “like-a-thons”. Our goal was to have a growing number of real fans, real people, real supporters, and here at the end of 2013 we are thrilled to see this goal met. All we want to do is continue to grow, reaching more couples, serving them as best we can. If hitting 1,000 fans on Facebook helps make that happen… we’ll take it.

starbucks and mugs

So, in light of this little success, we wanted to share the love and giveaway a tiny token of our appreciation to a handful of those Facebook fans. This Friday we’ll be pulling 5 names from our Facebook fan list, at random. The 5 lucky winners will be sent a Starbucks gift card! Fun right? We got our start meeting couples at Starbucks and to be honest we kind of miss the place. Plus… who doesn’t love a warm and yummy beverage this time of year?

So, if you’re a fan of ours on Facebook, thank you a thousand times for your continued support.

Stay tuned for a look back at our engagement sessions from 2013, and make sure to come back on Friday to find out who our Starbucks gift card winners are!





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