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July 26, 2013

big news


Good morning all! It’s a really awesome day for us. Today we’re thrilled to announce our big surprise to the whole world, and we couldn’t be more happy/anxious/grateful/hopeful all at once. We’ve talked before about our visions for this company and how far off so many of our dreams have seemed. But this one… this one takes the cake. This dream was never even remotely realistic, and it’s hard to believe we even put it on our list of goals. It was always at the bottom, nothing more than a laughable after thought. “Yeah… haha… one day when we have our own studio… sure.”

Welp. Someone up there decided to give us an amazing gift, and prove to us nothing is unattainable. It’s still surreal to us, but it happened. Birds of a Feather Photography has it’s very own studio/office! That’s right… our own little space right on the corner of Charles St. and Maple Av. in the heart of our home town. You could knock us over with a feather 😉

Two weeks ago we were driving through La Plata when we happened to see a “For Rent” sign in front of a familiar old brick building. Betty jotted down the number on the sign and gave it a call. “Just for fun. Just to see”. A few days later we stopped in for a look at the little office space on the second floor. Then we fell in love. The windows are shaded by an old oak tree on one side, and look out over the railroad crossing on the other. Within a two block radius of the building we can stop into our favorite local bakery for coffee and a muffin, grab drinks with friends at Casey’s, enjoy a night at the Port Tobacco Players theatre, stroll down the sidewalk to the county courthouse or even swing down to Town Hall. In the fall, La Plata High School’s homecoming parade will go right past our windows. It was absolutely perfect. So we made our best offer to the owner, assuming our tiny budget wouldn’t come close to what he needed. But the gift came to us, and our offer was accepted. That wasn’t luck, that was a blessing, and we’re nothing short of grateful.

There is a ton of work to be done, and we’ve already started planning how we’ll transform this old office space into our new studio/office. It’s going to take some time, a lot of paint, and a lot of hard work but we plan on making this place exactly what we’ve been dreaming of. So stay with us, keep track of our progress as it comes, and we’ll have everyone over for a big open house once it’s finished!

*Do you see those 3 windows on the 2nd floor? Those are ours!


Thank you to everyone who has ever trusted us and supported us. We wouldn’t be here without you.


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