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April 10, 2013

Emily and Evan :: a “while you’re on the east coast” mini session


Hi guys! It’s Maggie. I wanted to quickly share with you a few photos I took of my dear friend Emily. She and I were good friends in high school and we’ve remained since. In fact, she was in my wedding. Well Emily and her boyfriend Evan moved last year to Denver. With two really busy schedules and a toddler in the mix, we haven’t been able to get together for a really long time. Last weekend though, Emily and Evan were back home for a wedding and to visit with family and friends. Mom and I were quite busy all weekend and so I only had about an hour to catch them before they headed back to the airport, but we made it work… even if just for an hour. We caught up, chatted and laughed over a glass of wine, and then I grabbed my camera. I had yet to take any photos of these two, and I wasn’t going to let another year go by without a few minutes of photos. So I forced them to let me have my fun. Here are a few photos I took of my darling friend, and her really great boyfriend. Thanks for taking good care of her Evan. Bring her back again soon.







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