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February 6, 2013

The photos we love to take


The title to this post is not entirely accurate. We enjoy every single moment of a wedding day, and we love taking every photo we have the privilege of snapping. There isn’t one photo we’re sick of taking. Getting ready shots, detail shots, the first look, family portraits (yes these can be fun!), the vows, the kiss, the party, the send off… all of it we love. However, there are two special times in a wedding day that we adore. For us, they’ve become the hidden moments we look for, and they’re our favorites to find. We see them happen at every wedding we’re a part of, without fail.


The first of these two favorite little moments is that split second when a Bride “gets it”. When it hits her, this is her wedding day.

Sometimes she hasn’t even put her dress on yet, sometimes it happens right before the doors open to the church, and sometimes it happens when she’s laughing with her bridesmaids. But we see it, it’s always there. Something happens to her. She almost steps outside of herself to take a moment and realize it’s here… her wedding day. This is the moment we look for. While hair spray is flying, or champagne glasses clink… we are keeping one eye on the Bride waiting and watching. And then it happens. It comes in many forms. Usually a smile, sometimes happy tears, and on occasion a “wow” will be heard under her breath. No matter how or when it happens or what it looks like, it’s always beautiful.


The second of our favorite moments within a wedding day, comes as things are winding down at the reception, usually near the last song. Many times the DJ will announce when the last song is about to be played. This is when we get ready, and stay close to the Bride and Groom. We know it’s coming, and we see it happen to the entire room. A sense that it’s almost over and this thought of “Wait! Wait! Let us have one more chance to drink up the last of this amazing day” takes everyone by surprise.


The music starts, the Groom takes the Bride’s hand, and they start to dance. The rest of the guests gravitate toward the couple, smiling at them, dancing around them, watching them. This is the most joyful part of a wedding day we’ve ever seen. The energy feeds off itself and sometimes you can literally feel it bouncing off the walls. And then, we watch the world stop for the  couple we’re photographing. An invisible bubble goes up around them, and they’re alone. Sometimes they just stare at each other, sometimes they sing at the top of their lungs jumping up and down to the music, sometimes the Groom goes in for a kiss with his hands on his Bride’s face, and we catch it. Ahhhh, this is why we shoot weddings. Right here folks.

Every wedding is different, yes of course they are. How many times have you heard that? And it’s true. Not every moment unfolds the same way, some are easier to see than others. But they happen, and if we are anywhere nearby when they do, we’ll do everything we can to catch them.





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