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January 22, 2013

New Look :: Business Cards


When we decided to update the look of our overall brand and logo, we of course needed to design new business cards. It was difficult to decide what sort of design we wanted for them and, it literally took us a year to make up our minds. Finally though, we realized we wanted our business cards to take on the same model as the rest of our brand… simple, elegant, high quality, and to allow for the photos to speak for themselves. In reality, we want our photos to be our “brand”. And so, we designed our cards to be clean and simple with a photo on one side, and our logo with contact information on the other.

So here they are, our brand spankin’ new business cards! If you’d like one then come on out to the Swan Point Bridal Show this Sunday! We’ll be there with plenty on hand!


Have a great day!



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