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January 18, 2013

New blog series! Random, Fun Facts


It came to us while we were laughing at ourselves over something completely random and probably not as funny as we thought it was. We want to tell you more about us and let you in on a few more of our secrets. (They’re not that good, don’t get too excited). So we’ll be starting up a new blog series all about random, fun/funny facts about us, how we got here, and snippets of our story along the way. We’re not sure yet how often we’ll post these completely useless bits of information. It could be once a month, once a week, or somewhere in between. Along with each tid bit of information, we’ll include a ridiculous photo of the two of us, coming mostly from the late 80’s.

We do need your help… we can’t decide what to call this series of blog posts. Here are some titles we put a whole lotta thought into 😉

1. “Fun Fact Friday” (taking the lead at this point)

2. “Is this going to be on the quiz?”

3. “Not so frequently asked questions”

Tell us what you think we should call this series in the comments below!

And for today’s photo, which further proves we belong BEHIND the lens… a photo booth shot courtesy of the always amazing, Mother/Daughter duo of Bow-Tie Booths. Thanks ladies!


Have a great weekend!


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