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January 9, 2013

Our New Look :: Custom Logo Design


When we decided to revamp the look of our brand, we knew we had to start with our logo. The structure of our business was not changing so we focused simply on the aesthetics. We felt no connection to our old logo, it didn’t scream “us”, so we searched and searched for inspiration. We decided on a board that looked something like this. We wanted our look to be one of simple, sweet, elegant beauty. Bright colors, “theme” colors, and distracting elements would jumble things. We wanted to focus on the photos.  We were in love with the look of calligraphy, and knew that would be something we would push for. We wanted natural elements to come through as well. We didn’t want cartoon style artwork or anything that looked too young. The feel of hand drawn, sketched feathers appealed to us.

The search for a custom logo designer began, and through the wonder that is etsy we came across Meredith of Hazel Wonderland. We were smitten from our first conversation and knew we had to have her help us. So we enlisted her help and she got to work.

The beauty of her work is outstanding. It just looks like she did this with such ease.

This was the hardest part… deciding which style of wording to move forward with. Seriously, we lost a little sleep over this. But in the end we loved the look of the upper case lettering in the final example and went with that.

Next came the feathers. These beautiful hand drawn feathers. Similar but not completely, delicate but not too fragile. They were perfect. We made no changes to these in any way.

Then it was time to incorporate the two together. We went back and forth on placement, one or two feathers, size, orientation… and finally we settled on what is now our new logo. We love it. So, so, so much. It’s here to stay for a long time.



Meredith is an outstanding artist. You need to check out her work immediately. Anyone out there looking for custom logo work should contact Hazel Wonderland right away. But her work doesn’t stop there, she can create custom logos, invitations, menu cards, or any other calligraphy need for a wedding. So Brides out there, look through Hazel Wonderland’s shop and just try not to incorporate her beautiful calligraphy into your wedding day somehow. We love the idea of a custom couple’s logo to monogram invitations, menu cards, thank you notes, napkins, programs or anything else you want printed. Gah! She’s so good!


Thank you Meredith, for helping us achieve this beautiful, one of a kind logo for our business. We couldn’t be more thrilled with the way it turned out. It far exceeded any expectations we had.




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